Saturday, August 11, 2007

Stop raining on my parade! Like yesterday!

If there's one thing I can't abide, it's nasty, dried up old hags always trying to spoil my fun. There's a TV blog about Big Brother and I have been commenting there and apparently my opionions are seen as attacks. Just because I say what I think and feel I am told that I am not respecting others. Um...who gets to decide that? Isn't that a subjective judgment call and if it is then who gets put in charge of making the judgments? A bunch of the hags jumped all over me just because I'm an individual who doesn't conform to their standards of behavior for posting comments. If I want to be nagged I'll go have a chat with my husband or parents or something, thank you.

Earth to the reading comprehension challenged of the world: my opinions are just my opinions and nothing more. They aren't attacks.

Hilariously, these are the same people who support Dick and his hateful, abusive behavior on Big Brother 8. I know! How hypocritical! Dick gets to call people cocksuckers and cunts and bitches and whatnot and those aren't attacks but ME saying, "wow, chill out" is seen as an attack. Ok, whatever. Glad I don't know you in real life because I'm sure I'd hate you!

The hags have made me want to start this blog so that I'm free to have my own opinions without having to listen to them scolding me. Some people just can't be happy unless they are throwing their weight around and bossing everyone. If something is out of their control, they're not happy. Sorry, but SusieQ is not going to be bossed by anyone.

It's great to be able to be the wonderful me that I am.

It should be noted that there are some awesome people over there at that blog who do appreciate me for who I am and I thank them for that. Mostly it's just the anonymous assholes who don't even have the guts to post their names. It's easy to be a know-it-all asshat when you're not owning your own words!

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