Saturday, August 11, 2007

POV and other stuff

Ok...just read that Dick won the POV. Super. Take Dani off and go home you old fart! LMAO.

On another note, I was just reading some comments from ANONYMOUS over at that other blog and it seems that some of the ANONYMOUS commenters are stalking me and the comments I've made there and telling me that I say the same thing over and over again and that I've left snide remarks. Please. If you don't want to read my comments, skip on over them. Also, if you're a Dick LOVA then I don't want to hear anything from you about snide remarks. Don't want to hear it. PERIOD. I think some people are just jealous that I am witty and pithy because they are boring old ANONYMOUS ASSES.

Here's an example of one of the ANONYMOUS comments:

At 8/11/2007 7:11 PM, Anonymous said...
susieq, just so know what I'm talking about as far as the sa rcasm to other commenters. Re-read all your posts just from 8/10/07. Two exmaples; Hmmmmmm, seems that some have totally misread Jackie's challenge. Either that or they need reading comprehension lessons. 9:09pm, or Oh, dear Sandy, chill out. 9:13pm. Then a very hypocritical reply to all at 9:16pm. Re-read 12:13pm, 12:25pm,2:33pm, 2:36pm,4:57pm, the 10:48pm comment is VERY telling. Sarcasm about the hg's is something everyone here does, it's what we're here for. But the majority do not take jabs at each other. Just FYI. Be nicer!

Dear Anonymous: Maybe you should consider GETTING A LIFE! Imagine taking the time to track the times of my comments. You are completely ridiculous. My posts are on topic and are fun to read which is more than I can say about most of the other commenters there. Try finding your sense of humor, mkay?

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