Sunday, August 12, 2007

More reasons to find Amber delusional and nasty and other stuff

There was a discussion last night between Amber and Jameka where America's Top Model got brought up. I don't know the full story but Jameka, for some unknown reason, was asking AMBER if she wanted to go on ANTM. Amber then tells Jameka that it was Nick who told her she should go on the show. Um.......was Nick having sight problems that day? Amber then tells Jameka that Dick told her that she was really ugly and I just had to laugh at that one. If Amber is considering going on America's Next Top Model then I think I'll enter the Miss USA pageant to see if I have a shot at winning that.

Then Jameka says something about how Jen smells and I can't remember what Amber said back, maybe something about body odor then Jameka says it's like she smells like she just got out of bed--whatever that means--although I do think Jen had just gotten out of bed at that point. Then Jameka said something about maybe it's Jen's hair and Amber goes, "It's probably her crotch." Nice Amber. Who says things like that? I really do not know any women who talk about each other that way. Disgusting is too mild a word for her.

The other weird thing I noticed last night was that when Zach, Dani, Jess and Eric were playing beer pong, Zach kept referring to Eric as bi-sexual and there was no reaction from anyone when he repeated that over and over again. So maybe Eric is bi-sexual and it's common knowledge in the house. More dysfunction. Lovely.


Just took a stroll over to that other blog and wouldn't you know it the same people (anonymous and a few others) are still harping on the Eric incest remarks and they want Big Brother to make him stop! Yeah, that's reality for you. If it's so offensive to you there's a simple solution: STOP WATCHING THE DAMN SHOW YOU IDIOTS!

I love having this blog because most of the people over there are complete hypcrites but won't admit it. Their big thing is that we're all allowed to trash talk the big brother cast but we're not allowed to trash each other in the comment section. What a bunch of baloney. I told someone to Chill Out because they were having a hissy fit of rage over ERIC once again, and that's considered an attack. Ok, whatever hypocrites.

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