Sunday, August 12, 2007


Looks like the whiners are out in full force in the comment section of that other blog. Lots of Eric complaints about the incest remarks. Do these people live such sheltered lives that this is the first time they've heard anything offensive on TV? Ever watch late night TV with commedians as hosts because they are about as foul as you can get. I highly doubt these people are as shocked as they like to lead on since most of the commenters seem to live in front of their television sets or their computers keeping tabs on the big brother contestants that they REALLY HATE THIS SEASON! LMAO.

One of the big mouths over there, Sharon, I think, who was a real ass pain to me because I didn't agree with her, is telling everyone to go to CBS and file complaints. You people are honestly more entertaining than the house guests sometimes with your idiocy. Like Big Brother is going to call all the house guests in and say, "Eric, Sharon is appalled by your incent remarks please cease and desist asap!!!" Just because your poor widdle feelings are hurt that they picked Eric as the AP instead of nasty, dirty Dick doesn't mean you have to get all bent out of shape over a couple of remarks by Eric. If you're that passionate about incest, why not STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER AND HELP OUT IN THE REAL WORLD WHERE IT MIGHT DO SOME GOOD instead of whining your widdle hearts out in the comment section of someone's blog that will not help a soul? That's what I've been doing this afternoon. Helping out at a women's shelter. How about all you other whiners?

Let me guess why you wouldn't want to actually do something instead of just mouthing off and texting and complaining to CBS. It requires real work and effort and getting off your ass.

Keep those stupid comments rolling in because I can hardly wait to see what I'll highlight next.

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