Saturday, August 11, 2007

Some thoughts

Time to talk about Big Brother 8. I'll be watching Showtime in a little while but just want to get my thoughts out while I have a minute.

Personally I don't like anyone on the show except Jen, Zach and Jessica. When Zach was out in the back yard chatting with Dick and Danielle last night, I finally got to see that he is indeed playing this game. He has a strategy but I'm afraid he's aligning himself with the wrong group. Dick, Dani, possibly Jen and Zach do not have the numbers in their favor at this point. I think if he continues to sit back and quietly infiltrate both sides, he has a good chance at going far.

I like Jen because she's been picked on by Dick so badly and no one really likes her in the house. I can't imagine how that must be. I heard Zach tell Dani that Jen told him that she's lonely in the house now that Kail is gone. It must really suck to not have any friends or feel comfortable or loved anywhere. I think she's a good soul.

I like Jessica because she's positive and isn't playing the mean game that a lot of the others are playing. She seems willing to listen to other people and that is very important. Believing that your own opinion is the only one that matters is a mistake. She's appears to be a genuinely nice person too.

Regarding Dick, well I just don't like him. If I was in that house I would have told him to STFU a long time ago. The only person he hasn't gone after is Jessica if I am correct but I heard he wants his son to date her after the show so that's probably a strategy of his as well. I hardly think she'd consider dating his son if he was calling her a bitch 24/7.

Dani doesn't make herself accessible enough to anyone but her father and that will be her downfall. She doesn't want to pretend to like anyone but that's a stupid stategy. Do you think people want to keep a person around who makes it clear that she abhors everyone? I don't think so. Take some acting lessons, hon.

Jameka? Don't really know enough about her but the Jesus stuff is very out of hand. She also seems to be an expert on everything which is annoying to me.

Eric reminds me of Franklin the Turtle for some reason. I'll throw some of my support his way because he got screwed with the plane and the banner fiasco.

Amber is a mess and needs to exit the house asap.

I kind of like Dustin because he acts superior all the time and I find it funny.

That's my wrap up for now.


And to the anonymous ass who asked if I'm 12? Nope. Guess again.

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