Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Danielle, Liar and Faker

Danielle hates fakers unless she's being one herself. That's what we learned last night. She also hates liars unless she's the one doing the lying and then that's ok, too! Gotta love another hypocrite.

Dani hates fakers then runs up to the HOH and puts on a big fat fake display of outrage over her father's behavior in the house. The poor pitiful me routine was pulled out in all it's glory and the guests in the HOH looked like they were sort of buying her bullshit. She immediately goes to the Diary Room and says it was a strategy. Ooppps....psssssssssssttttttt....Dani? That's what we call faking and lying. Guess you hate yourself!

We also got to see how she was snickering when her father was on one of his rampages amongst the other guests. She told everyone how much she hated her father's behavior and then we saw her laughing her butt off. Psssssttttttt....Dani, we can see you being a liar and a faker all the while claiming how much you HATE liars and fakers.


Monday, August 13, 2007

You tubes--big brother

I'm very busy and no time to write but I wanted to post these two You Tube features on Big Brother. Enjoy!

Big Brother Racism and Bigotry Sampler

Big Brother house guests harassed in Diary Room


Sunday, August 12, 2007

I Heart Amber

My favorite part of this evenings show was when Amber told us how God was guiding her to the guitars containing the $ sign in the food competition. She slays me. I think she might have a future as a stand up comedian after the show is over because she is hysterical.


Some of my least favorite commenters over on that other blog (joy--someone was mis-named at birth, don't you think?) are preaching about how they hate hypocritcal sinners like Amber and Jameka. I wonder how God would feel knowing Joy is taking on the role of judge, jury and executioner? I bet He wouldn't be too happy with her, but I could be wrong since I'm not God and wouldn't really know.

The editing sucks and other such whinings!

It's a good thing I have this blog because the other blog is turning into a bunch of lunatics. It shouldn't be too surprising because they're the ones loving on Dick all the time because I guess they don't have their own men to love.

It's like they're a bunch of spoiled cry babies who are pissed that their big hunk of love is on the block and so they're going to do their best to text CBS to make sure Eric gets what he deserves for being AP when they're not the ones who voted for him. And make no mistake, these people have nothing but time to mindlessly text over and over again to try and get their way so that they can ruin the game. Big brother should know not to trust it's psycho viewers with anything important.

Lots more whining about the editing which pisses the dick lovers off even more! ZOMG! Spare us the dramatics. Oh, and they did show where Jameka called Dick's mother a bitch but it was clearly said in a facetious manner. Subtleties are completely lost on most of the viewers because their IQ's aren't quite up to par (aka Kail-level).

Dick and Dani got outplayed last week big time.

Hopefully the other group of rejects will follow through and get rid of at least one of the members on the scream team (Dick, Dani, Zach, Jen).

That would really make me laugh.


Looks like the whiners are out in full force in the comment section of that other blog. Lots of Eric complaints about the incest remarks. Do these people live such sheltered lives that this is the first time they've heard anything offensive on TV? Ever watch late night TV with commedians as hosts because they are about as foul as you can get. I highly doubt these people are as shocked as they like to lead on since most of the commenters seem to live in front of their television sets or their computers keeping tabs on the big brother contestants that they REALLY HATE THIS SEASON! LMAO.

One of the big mouths over there, Sharon, I think, who was a real ass pain to me because I didn't agree with her, is telling everyone to go to CBS and file complaints. You people are honestly more entertaining than the house guests sometimes with your idiocy. Like Big Brother is going to call all the house guests in and say, "Eric, Sharon is appalled by your incent remarks please cease and desist asap!!!" Just because your poor widdle feelings are hurt that they picked Eric as the AP instead of nasty, dirty Dick doesn't mean you have to get all bent out of shape over a couple of remarks by Eric. If you're that passionate about incest, why not STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER AND HELP OUT IN THE REAL WORLD WHERE IT MIGHT DO SOME GOOD instead of whining your widdle hearts out in the comment section of someone's blog that will not help a soul? That's what I've been doing this afternoon. Helping out at a women's shelter. How about all you other whiners?

Let me guess why you wouldn't want to actually do something instead of just mouthing off and texting and complaining to CBS. It requires real work and effort and getting off your ass.

Keep those stupid comments rolling in because I can hardly wait to see what I'll highlight next.

Voting by text

I have to say that I haven't once voted for anything in regards to the Big Brother show. These people who say they text 100 times or something are quite insane if you ask me. They're a little too involved with the show like in the grand scheme of things, any of this really matters.

Lighten up folks, it' s just a reality show and I'm finding your behavior stranger than the houseguests because being cooped up like they are, they at least have a reason, you all, on the other hand, don't.

More reasons to find Amber delusional and nasty and other stuff

There was a discussion last night between Amber and Jameka where America's Top Model got brought up. I don't know the full story but Jameka, for some unknown reason, was asking AMBER if she wanted to go on ANTM. Amber then tells Jameka that it was Nick who told her she should go on the show. Um.......was Nick having sight problems that day? Amber then tells Jameka that Dick told her that she was really ugly and I just had to laugh at that one. If Amber is considering going on America's Next Top Model then I think I'll enter the Miss USA pageant to see if I have a shot at winning that.

Then Jameka says something about how Jen smells and I can't remember what Amber said back, maybe something about body odor then Jameka says it's like she smells like she just got out of bed--whatever that means--although I do think Jen had just gotten out of bed at that point. Then Jameka said something about maybe it's Jen's hair and Amber goes, "It's probably her crotch." Nice Amber. Who says things like that? I really do not know any women who talk about each other that way. Disgusting is too mild a word for her.

The other weird thing I noticed last night was that when Zach, Dani, Jess and Eric were playing beer pong, Zach kept referring to Eric as bi-sexual and there was no reaction from anyone when he repeated that over and over again. So maybe Eric is bi-sexual and it's common knowledge in the house. More dysfunction. Lovely.


Just took a stroll over to that other blog and wouldn't you know it the same people (anonymous and a few others) are still harping on the Eric incest remarks and they want Big Brother to make him stop! Yeah, that's reality for you. If it's so offensive to you there's a simple solution: STOP WATCHING THE DAMN SHOW YOU IDIOTS!

I love having this blog because most of the people over there are complete hypcrites but won't admit it. Their big thing is that we're all allowed to trash talk the big brother cast but we're not allowed to trash each other in the comment section. What a bunch of baloney. I told someone to Chill Out because they were having a hissy fit of rage over ERIC once again, and that's considered an attack. Ok, whatever hypocrites.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Special ED

Dick's done giving everyone a hard time because he got what he wanted. (the POV) isn't that special?

Now Dick's harassing Jameka again about God and such and he has the freakiest, most bizarre smile on his face while he's doing this. Also, he's still blowing those damn smoke rings. Between the spitting, the abusive behavior, the smoking and the black nail polish, I'm quite amazed there isn't an EVEL DICK FAN CLUB chock full of female members wanting to get a piece of that action.


I gotta tell everyone that I get really turned on when I see Dick painting his nails black.

Carry on.


Example of a boring post:

At 8/11/2007 6:34 PM, Anonymous said...
susieq, your references to the Dick camp over and over again show what you feel about commenters who disagree with your opinions. No one is calling you out as the Eric camp. It's very simple to reply to others comments by referring to their name or anon and the time they posted. And you tend to repeat the same old, same old things constantly. It can get boring. Calling someone a "sore sport" is a personal attack. But, like you said You're a hypocrite and you don't even try. It's your sarcasm towards the commenters that is irritating. Go back and read your own posts for the last week or so.

Example of a witty, pithy and fun post written by someone who doesn't have a poker stuck up my ass:

At 8/10/2007 12:10 PM, susieq said...
The thing those idiots don't get, is Dick knows he is going and is ready to go. HAHAHA NERDS!
8/10/2007 11:13 AM Well it doesn't take a rhodes scholar to figure that one out, anonymous. Dick is resigned to going but you can bet he's not happy about it.I don't get why everyone's call that group the Nerd Herd. They're not nerds at all. Nerds are shy and retiring, intelligent, and typically goody-two-shoes. That group is none of the above.

I think people who hide under anonymous are really boring and repetitive. And let's not forget...COWARDS!

Some thoughts

Time to talk about Big Brother 8. I'll be watching Showtime in a little while but just want to get my thoughts out while I have a minute.

Personally I don't like anyone on the show except Jen, Zach and Jessica. When Zach was out in the back yard chatting with Dick and Danielle last night, I finally got to see that he is indeed playing this game. He has a strategy but I'm afraid he's aligning himself with the wrong group. Dick, Dani, possibly Jen and Zach do not have the numbers in their favor at this point. I think if he continues to sit back and quietly infiltrate both sides, he has a good chance at going far.

I like Jen because she's been picked on by Dick so badly and no one really likes her in the house. I can't imagine how that must be. I heard Zach tell Dani that Jen told him that she's lonely in the house now that Kail is gone. It must really suck to not have any friends or feel comfortable or loved anywhere. I think she's a good soul.

I like Jessica because she's positive and isn't playing the mean game that a lot of the others are playing. She seems willing to listen to other people and that is very important. Believing that your own opinion is the only one that matters is a mistake. She's appears to be a genuinely nice person too.

Regarding Dick, well I just don't like him. If I was in that house I would have told him to STFU a long time ago. The only person he hasn't gone after is Jessica if I am correct but I heard he wants his son to date her after the show so that's probably a strategy of his as well. I hardly think she'd consider dating his son if he was calling her a bitch 24/7.

Dani doesn't make herself accessible enough to anyone but her father and that will be her downfall. She doesn't want to pretend to like anyone but that's a stupid stategy. Do you think people want to keep a person around who makes it clear that she abhors everyone? I don't think so. Take some acting lessons, hon.

Jameka? Don't really know enough about her but the Jesus stuff is very out of hand. She also seems to be an expert on everything which is annoying to me.

Eric reminds me of Franklin the Turtle for some reason. I'll throw some of my support his way because he got screwed with the plane and the banner fiasco.

Amber is a mess and needs to exit the house asap.

I kind of like Dustin because he acts superior all the time and I find it funny.

That's my wrap up for now.


And to the anonymous ass who asked if I'm 12? Nope. Guess again.

POV and other stuff

Ok...just read that Dick won the POV. Super. Take Dani off and go home you old fart! LMAO.

On another note, I was just reading some comments from ANONYMOUS over at that other blog and it seems that some of the ANONYMOUS commenters are stalking me and the comments I've made there and telling me that I say the same thing over and over again and that I've left snide remarks. Please. If you don't want to read my comments, skip on over them. Also, if you're a Dick LOVA then I don't want to hear anything from you about snide remarks. Don't want to hear it. PERIOD. I think some people are just jealous that I am witty and pithy because they are boring old ANONYMOUS ASSES.

Here's an example of one of the ANONYMOUS comments:

At 8/11/2007 7:11 PM, Anonymous said...
susieq, just so know what I'm talking about as far as the sa rcasm to other commenters. Re-read all your posts just from 8/10/07. Two exmaples; Hmmmmmm, seems that some have totally misread Jackie's challenge. Either that or they need reading comprehension lessons. 9:09pm, or Oh, dear Sandy, chill out. 9:13pm. Then a very hypocritical reply to all at 9:16pm. Re-read 12:13pm, 12:25pm,2:33pm, 2:36pm,4:57pm, the 10:48pm comment is VERY telling. Sarcasm about the hg's is something everyone here does, it's what we're here for. But the majority do not take jabs at each other. Just FYI. Be nicer!

Dear Anonymous: Maybe you should consider GETTING A LIFE! Imagine taking the time to track the times of my comments. You are completely ridiculous. My posts are on topic and are fun to read which is more than I can say about most of the other commenters there. Try finding your sense of humor, mkay?

Stop raining on my parade! Like yesterday!

If there's one thing I can't abide, it's nasty, dried up old hags always trying to spoil my fun. There's a TV blog about Big Brother and I have been commenting there and apparently my opionions are seen as attacks. Just because I say what I think and feel I am told that I am not respecting others. Um...who gets to decide that? Isn't that a subjective judgment call and if it is then who gets put in charge of making the judgments? A bunch of the hags jumped all over me just because I'm an individual who doesn't conform to their standards of behavior for posting comments. If I want to be nagged I'll go have a chat with my husband or parents or something, thank you.

Earth to the reading comprehension challenged of the world: my opinions are just my opinions and nothing more. They aren't attacks.

Hilariously, these are the same people who support Dick and his hateful, abusive behavior on Big Brother 8. I know! How hypocritical! Dick gets to call people cocksuckers and cunts and bitches and whatnot and those aren't attacks but ME saying, "wow, chill out" is seen as an attack. Ok, whatever. Glad I don't know you in real life because I'm sure I'd hate you!

The hags have made me want to start this blog so that I'm free to have my own opinions without having to listen to them scolding me. Some people just can't be happy unless they are throwing their weight around and bossing everyone. If something is out of their control, they're not happy. Sorry, but SusieQ is not going to be bossed by anyone.

It's great to be able to be the wonderful me that I am.

It should be noted that there are some awesome people over there at that blog who do appreciate me for who I am and I thank them for that. Mostly it's just the anonymous assholes who don't even have the guts to post their names. It's easy to be a know-it-all asshat when you're not owning your own words!